Sunday, August 5, 2012

How To Prepare For A Scholarship Interview

 The following tips by ehow might be useful for those who attending the scholarship interview.

Step 1: 

Research important aspects of what you plan on majoring in during college. Find out how well this field is growing and what you can offer once you graduate. Interviewers want reasons for why you are choosing a specific field of study.

Step 2:

 Write down why you deserve a college scholarship. List your positive attributes and contributions and practice talking about them with a friend or family member.

Step 3: 

Know your personal philosophies and beliefs. College scholarship interview panels want proof of dedication to your field of study by checking that you’ve given some thought to your future major.

Step 4: 

Prepare for questions about your financial standing if interviewing for a need-based scholarship. These questions may seem embarrassing, but the interview panel needs proof that you do need financial help for college.

Step 5: 

Gather and organize all necessary material you plan on bringing to the interview. The scholarship board may tell you what they want but if they don’t, then bring along a portfolio, extra recommendations and a resume if you have one.

Step 6:

Review answers to basic questions the night before your interview. Make sure that your answers show why you deserve the  scholarship

Step 7 : 

Dress for success by planning your outfit the night before. Dont wear anything trendy or sloopy. Men should stick with dress pants, dress shirt and tie, while women should choose a dress or pant suit.


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  1. great ! thanks baz.. hope it works on me. banyak ah scholarship nak kena isi. aigoo. wish me luck :)

    yeayy ! baz dh tukar template. love this new style. memang STYLE ! :D

  2. gembira dpt tolong..good luck ea..insyallah bleh..
    cantik ke?..tq2..:)

  3. cantik lah, huhu, tapi cop2. lagi best kalau nak komen ni tak yah ade kena isi nombor2 tu. ape tah nama dia.lupa plak. hehe.

  4. x pandai la nk setting...ajar bleh?
