Friday, October 19, 2012

2013 Anne McLaren Fellowships for International Students in UK, China and Malaysia

 Closing Date 7 November 2012

 Applications are invited for The University of Nottingham Anne McLaren Fellowships, which are targeted at exceptional female scientists and engineers who are typically under-represented in these subjects, and wish to establish a research career in the UK. The Fellowships are offered in a range of academic units at the University of Nottingham and provide a recognised first step into an independent research career. The Fellowships funded by the University of Nottingham’s Research Board and will commence in October 2013.
2013 Anne McLaren Fellowships for International Students in UK, China and Malaysia Details
Scholarship Criteria
  •  Candidates must have submitted a PhD (viva does not need to have taken place) and have had no more than four years full-time postdoctoral experience by 1 October 2012.
  • Career breaks such as maternity leave, EU national service and Voluntary Service Overseas can be discounted but teaching experience and/or time spent in industry since the award of a PhD should be included in the total amount of postdoctoral experience.Part-time appointments would be considered on a pro-rata basis.
  • Individuals who have been promised or already have a permanent position are considered to have achieved the aims of the scheme already and will not be eligible.
  • The scheme is designed to offer support and flexibility.
Field of Study Research in Science, Engineering, Geography and Medicine.
Scholarship Package
  • -Three years independent funding, starting October 2013, to conduct research while based at the University of Nottingham: UK; China; Malaysia.
  • -The linking of the Fellowship to an indefinite academic post, subject to performance against a high quality threshold.
  • -The opportunity to apply for additional funding for research costs, up to £25,000 per annum
  • -Additional childcare costs of up to £5,000 per annum where appropriate
  • -The opportunity to spend periods of time at other University of Nottingham Campuses.
  • -Participation in a mentoring scheme and career development programme.
How To Apply For further general information about the scheme and the application process, please contact Rebecca Stokes by email or on +441158467408.

Biasiswa JPA PIDN 2012

For all candidates who has applied for biasiswa Jabatan Perkhidmatan Awam (JPA) - Program Ijazah Dalam Negara (PIDN) 2012 can check your application status on 18 Oktober 2012 from 5.00 pm

How To check Biasiswa JPA PIDN 2012 Result ?
You can check your application for Biasiswa PIDN 2012 status via the following :
If you have any queries, kindly contact 03 8885 3049


Thursday, October 11, 2012

Swinburne Ph.D. Research Scholarship

Swinburne University of Technology (Sarawak Campus) invites eligible candidates to apply for its Ph.D. Research scholarship for year 2012/13.
Swinburne Ph.D. Research Scholarship Details
Scholarship Criteria The selected student would work with the principal co-ordinator, Assoc. Professor Probir Kumar Banerjee in an area related to acceptance of cloud-computing by SMEs in Malaysia. He/she would be expected to publish in Reputed SCI indexed journals and demonstrate satisfactory progress towards completion  of the Ph.D.  in a time-bound program.
  1. Must have prior business information systems exposure through course-work or practical industry experience. Experience in research work will be an advantage
  2. Must have a high level of proficiency in written and spoken English
  3. Should have a honours (4 years) bachelor or Masters in any business discipline or Information Systems with CGPA of above 3.30.
  4. Applicants would be asked  to present a research proposal for evaluation as a part of the selection process
Field of Study
Scholarship Package The Ph.D. tuition and other related fees are waived and the selected student will be paid a stipend of RM1,000.00 a month.
How To Apply Enquiries may be directed to:
Assoc. Professor Probir Kumar Banerjee
Department of Computing and Information Systems
Swinburne University of Technology, Kuching, Sarawak more details of Swinburne Ph.D. Research Scholarship, kindly visit
Closing Date Not mentioned

MREPC Scholarship Award 2013

The MREPC Scholarship Award is back! Malaysian Rubber Export Promotion Council (MREPC) is an agency under the Ministry of Plantation Industries and Commodities that facilitates the export of quality rubber products worldwide.
The MREPC Scholarship Awards seeks to attract and retain top talent in the rubber product industry. We are calling all deserving Malaysians to take up the challenge with us as Malaysia continues to soar as the world’s leading player in rubber products manufacturing industry.

MREPC Scholarship Award 2013 Details
Scholarship Criteria
  • Malaysian citizen and be a full time student in IPTA/ local IPTS
  • Outstanding academic results in SPM and STPM or equivalent, as well as undergraduate programme (if any)
  • Secured placement or currently pursuing undergraduate study programme (Year 1 or 2) at IPTA/IPTS
  • Active participation in extracurricular activities or community service
  • Not be in receipt of any other scholarship, financial aid or award
  • Able to provide two credible guarantors
Field of Study
  • Engineering – chemical, mechanical, electrical/ electronic, industrial, material, energy
  • Polymer science & technology
  • Environmental studies
  • Economics/ Marketing/ Business studies/ Statistical analysis/ IT
Scholarship Package
  • Tuition fees (full or partial)
  • Living allowance
  • Internship opportunities
  • Employment opportunities upon graduation
How To Apply Log on to and submit your application online
Closing Date 21 October 2012

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Learn The German Words part 1

Oleh sebab exam german dah tak lama lagi..tinggal 2 minggu lagi..huhu..kene banyak tahu vocab..baru boleh buat ayat dan essay..tolong doakan saya berjaya..jom same2 blajar..

German word:treffen
English translation:to meet

Part of speech:verb

Example sentence
German:Es ist mir eine Freude dich zu treffen.
English:It is a pleasure to meet you.

German word:unglücklicherweise
English translation:unfortunately

Part of speech:adverb

Example sentence
German:Unglücklicherweise, lebt unsere Schwiegermutter bei uns.
English:Unfortunately, my mother-in-law lives with us.

German word:bitterlich
English translation:bitterly

Part of speech:adverb

Example sentence
German:Das arme Mädchen fing an, bitterlich zu weinen.
English:The poor girl started to cry bitterly.

German word:der Engel
English translation:angel

Part of speech:noun

Example sentence
German:Danke für deine Hilfe. Du bist ein Engel.
English:Thank you for your help; you're an angel.

German word:erschöpft
English translation:exhausted

Part of speech:adjective

Example sentence
German:Ich habe den ganzen Tag gearbeitet. Ich bin erschöpft.
English:I've worked all day long; I'm exhausted.

German word:der Vorschlag
English translation:suggestion

Part of speech:noun

Example sentence
German:Ich habe ein paar Vorschläge zu machen.
English:I have some suggestions to make.

German word:umsonst
English translation:free

Part of speech:adverb

Example sentence
German:Kaufe zwei und du bekommst eines umsonst.
English:Buy two, get one free.

German word:schön
English translation:beautiful

Part of speech:adjective

Example sentence
German:Du siehst schön aus in diesem Kleid.
English:You look beautiful in that dress.

German word:laut lachen
English translation:to laugh out loud

Part of speech:expression

Example sentence
German:Als wir das Bild sahen, mussten wir laut lachen.
English:When we saw the picture, we laughed out loud.

German word:der Fön
English translation:hairdryer

Part of speech:noun

Example sentence
German:Wenn ich keinen Fön benutze, sehen meine Haare nicht gut aus.
English:If I don't use a hairdryer my hair won't look good.

German word:sich entschuldigen
English translation:to apologize
Part of speech:verb

Example sentence
German:Ich entschuldige mich, ich habe einen schlechten Tag.
English:I apologize, I'm having a bad day.

German word:anspringen
English translation:to start

Part of speech:verb

Example sentence
German:Das Auto will nicht anspringen.
English:The car won't start.

German word:die Banane
English translation:banana
Part of speech:noun
German example:Bananen sind gut für dich.
English example:Bananas are good for you.

German word:das Auto
English translation:car
Part of speech:noun
German example:Wo hast du das Auto geparkt?
English example:Where did you park the car?

German word:sich bewusst sein
English translation:to be aware
Part of speech:verb
German example:Ja, Herr Wachtmeister, ich bin mir der Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung bewusst.
English example:Yes, officer, I am aware of the speed limit.

German word:das Feuerwerk
English translation:fireworks
Part of speech:noun
German example:Das Feuerwerk hat den Himmel erhellt.
English example:Fireworks lit the night sky.

German word:der Champagner
English translation:champagne
Part of speech:noun
German example:Bring Champagner, wir bringen die Erdbeeren.
English example:Bring champagne, we'll supply the strawberries.

German word:bürsten
English translation:to brush
Part of speech:verb
German example:Sie muss ihre Haare bürsten.
English example:She needs to brush her hair.

German word:das Silber
English translation:silver
Part of speech:noun
German example:Das Problem von Silber ist, dass es so leicht beschlägt.
English example:The problem with silver is that it tarnishes so easily.

German word:zurücktreten
English translation:to withdraw
Part of speech:verb
German example:Ich höre ihn kommen. Lassen Sie uns zurücktreten, mein Herr.
English example:I hear him coming: let's withdraw, my lord.

German word:gruselig
English translation:scary
Part of speech:adjective
German example:Magst du gruselige Filme?
English example:Do you like scary movies?
German word:blühen
English translation:to flower
Part of speech:verb
German example:Die Bäume werden in ein paar Wochen blühen.
English example:The trees will flower in a few weeks.

German word:fertig sein
English translation:to finish
Part of speech:verb
German example:Bist du fertig mit dem Buch?
English example:Have you finished the book?

German word:der Geist
English translation:ghost
Part of speech:noun

German example:Es wird gesagt, dass Geister in dem alten Haus herumspuken.
English example:They say that ghosts haunt the old house.

German word:die Ausnahme
English translation:exception
Part of speech:noun

German example:Es gibt Ausnahmen für jede Regel.
English example:There are exceptions to every rule.

German word:eislaufen
English translation:to skate
Part of speech:verb

German example:Die Kinder gehen eislaufen sobald der Teich zugefroren ist.
English example:The children skate on the pond once it is frozen solid.